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Buying a car in Costa Rica?

Need help? 

Talk to the CR Car Guy

- Pre-purchase inspections
- Bi-lingual mechanics 
- Avoid disaster 

- Save time and money

- Reduce stress 
- Make it fun!


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Used car inspection

Find - Call - Inspect - Assess - Organize - Liaise 

Let us turn your car buying experience into a breeze. 

Tell us what you are looking for.

We'll do the work for you.

Cars in stock?

We also sometimes buy cars to sell.

We buy a car if it is:

- In excellent condition

- At a great price

- Ideal for our clients 

Perfect for clients short on time.

Some examples of cars we have had for sale:

For sale SUV.png

Need to sell your SUV?

We can help with that too.

We have a great stream of customers coming our way every day needing a SUV, so it wouldn't take long for us to sell yours.

We'll take care of setting up the ad, answering messages, calls or emails from potential customers, and showing the car for those interested in it.

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This is Why You Should Always Get a Used Car Inspection!

This is Why You Should Always Get a Used Car Inspection!

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Contact us:

Santa Ana, San Jose

Whatsapp 8855-8827

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